Ibaraki Prefecture of Japan announced the new Guideline on killing dogs and cats. The objective is to justify the killings for the reasons of “being inappropriate for adoption”.
The decision-making of “inappropriateness of adoption” is secretly done without any third-party involvement. Under the new Guideline, these killings are not counted toward a number of killings under the “Ordinance for Zero Sacrifice of Dogs and Cats” enacted in 2017.
This kind of Guidelines may spread to other local governments in Japan to justify killings of dogs and cats while claiming the fake "zero killings".
Currently, there is only one animal protection facility in Ibaraki Prefecture, and its capacity is clearly short of handling demands.
In the short term, an additional facility space should be expanded at the current site of the Animal Guidance Center in Ibaraki in order to avoid overcrowding and better individual management of all animals.
Please help us:
- Immediately abolish the Ibaraki’s “Guidelines of selecting dogs for adoption” which allows the fake “zero killing” claim and neglecting life of innocent dogs.
- More facility space should be added for expansion to the site of the Animal Guidance Center, avoiding overcrowding and better individual management of all animals
- Increase the number of locations for an animal protection facility from the current ONE facility in Ibaraki Prefecture
- Increase the number of staff, and hire dog trainers and accept volunteers (They do NOT currently accept volunteers.)
署名送付先・連絡先: 全国動物ネットワーク (担当:小田島)
〒305-0051 つくば市二の宮2-7-20 坂本博之法律事務所
029-851-5580 (TEL) 029-851-5586 (FAX)
bella carina様、英訳ありがとうございます!
茨城県は、にせの「犬の殺処分ゼロ」を達成するために作ったガイドラインを廃止すべきです Ibaraki Prefecture should abolish Guidelines for killing dogs which enables its fake claim of “Zero killing of dogs”
茨城県は6月に犬猫の殺処分に関する新たなガイドラインを発表した。目的は、譲渡不適性という理由で殺処分を正当化するため。 Ibaraki Prefecture of Japan announced the new Guideline on killing dogs and cats. The objective is to justify the killings for the reasons of “inappropriate for adoption”.譲渡不適性の判断は、第三者の眼が入らない密室で行われる。これらの殺処分は、2017年に制定された「 犬猫の殺処分ゼロをめざす条例」 における殺処分数にはカウントされない。 The decision-making of “inappropriateness of adoption” is secretly done without any third-party involvement. These killings are not counted toward a number of killing under the “Ordinance for Zero Sacrifice of Dogs and Cats” enacted in 2017.このようなガイドラインは、殺処分を正当化する方法として、日本全国の他の地方自治体に広まる危険性もある。 This kind of Guidelines may spread to other local governments in Japan to justify killings of dogs and cats.茨城県の動物保護施設は、県内に現在1箇所しかなく、収容可能数が明らかに不足している。 Currently, there is only one animal protection facility in Ibaraki Prefecture, and its capacity is clearly short of handling demands.短期的には、現在の動物指導センターの敷地に犬の施設を増設し、過密収容を避け、 動物のためのより良い個別管理を実行するべきである。 In the short term, an additional facility space should be expanded at the current site of the Animal Guidance Center in Ibaraki in order to avoid overcrowding and better individual management of all animals.以下の点を要望します:Please help us:
茨城県の「譲渡候補犬の選定に関するガイドライン」を即座に廃止Immediately abolish the Ibaraki’s “Guidelines of selecting dogs for adoption” which allows the fake “zero killing” and neglecting life of innocent dogs.
動物指導センターの敷地に犬の施設を増設し、過密収容を避け、動物のためのより良い個別管理を実行 More facility space should be added for expansion to the site of the Animal Guidance Center, avoiding overcrowding and better individual management of all animals
茨城県の動物保護施設の数を、現在の1箇所から複数箇所に増やすIncrease the number of locations for an animal protection facility from the current ONE facility in Ibaraki Prefecture
スタッフの数を増やし、ドッグトレーナーを雇用し、ボランティアを受け入れる(現在、 センターはボランティアを受け入れていません) Increase the number of staff, and hire dog trainers and accept volunteers (They do NOT currently accept volunteers.)